Incoming executives of the Russian Section
The leadership of the University of Ghana Russian Studies Students Association (UGRUSSA) has handed over the mantle of leadership to a new crop of Executives to help in the efficient running of the Russian Section of the Department of Modern Languages, a unit of the School of Languages at a brief ceremony held at the Maison Francaise Building. Awards were also given to students who had emerged top of their various classes in the Russian language the previous semester.
This occasion was graced with the presence of distinguished personalities including the Educational Attaché of the Russian Embassy, Mr. Alexander Zhambikov, the Dean of the School of Languages, Professor Nana Aba Appiah Amfo and the Coordinator of the Russian section, Dr. Ildiko Csajbok-Twerefou. The program began with the welcoming of guests and a welcome address by the outgoing president. This was followed by a poetry recital and soothing musical presentations by some students of the Russian Section, which were greatly enjoyed by the students.
An interactive session followed suit as some students shared some of their experiences with the Russian language. Some students who had benefitted from the year abroad program elaborated on how the environment had influenced their approach to the language. They encouraged other students present to work hard at the language.
A cross section of students at the ceremony
Following this was a speech by Mr. Alexander Zhambikov, the Educational Attaché of the Russian Embassy. He donated two books to the School of Languages and the Russian Section respectively after expressing his satisfaction with the progress of the Russian Section and the willingness of the Embassy to support the Section.
The Dean, Professor Nana Aba A. Amfo, presenting one of the donated books
After the donations, a short musical interlude preceded the main handing over ceremony. The handing over ceremony started with a speech delivered by the outgoing president of the Association. In his speech, he highlighted some achievements his administration had been able to acquire, which included a constitution, which allowed them to register the Association, introduction of movie shows to enrich how students used the Russian language as well as organise programs that increased the level of participation of students in the association’s activities.
Mr. Alexander Zhambikov, Educational Attaché of the Russian Embassy with Dr. Ildiko Csajbok Twerefou, Coordinator of the Russian Section after receiving the donated books.
The new president gave a short acceptance speech on behalf of his colleague executives stating how they were going to continue from were the past executives left off and do better. His speech crowned the handing over ceremony, after which awards from the Russian Embassy were given to students who emerged top of their respective classes, and the immediate past executives were awarded certificates for their good job done.
The MC gave the vote of thanks while the dance crew of the association saw the guests off with a splendid performance to draw the curtains down for the event.